Audio Tours, pt. 3: Caesarea
John and Ron return to the Holy Land for a visit to Caesarea-by-the-Sea. From the theater that faces out to sea to the impressive ancient engineering in the artificial harbor, Caesarea is a fascinating place to see.
John and Ron return to the Holy Land for a visit to Caesarea-by-the-Sea. From the theater that faces out to sea to the impressive ancient engineering in the artificial harbor, Caesarea is a fascinating place to see.
John and Ron continue their audio tours of ancient sites, this time in Corinth, Greece. They discuss the crucial geography of Corinth and review the site with an eye towards Paul’s visit as it is described in Acts 18. Photos by Ron Bentley
In this new four-part series called “Audio Tours,” Ron and John visit some important archaeological sites related directly to the Bible. This first episode begins with a brief discussion of archaeology itself, then they take the audience to Galilee for a look around a key location in the life and […]