The Story of Ruth, part 4: Redeemed
In this episode, John and Ron conclude their series on Ruth. The story is ultimately a story of redemption, a story where God provides hope where there was none before.
In this episode, John and Ron conclude their series on Ruth. The story is ultimately a story of redemption, a story where God provides hope where there was none before.
In episode 3 of their series on Ruth, John and Ron discuss the famous—some would say infamous!—threshing floor scene. As always, though, the focus is on the original context. Naomi and Ruth still have pressing needs. How will God provide? Image: Stan Zurek, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Ron and John continue into chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth as the picture begins to change dramatically for the two main characters, Naomi and Ruth. God’s providential guidance emerges along with hope in God’s redemptive work.
Season five opens with a new series on the book of Ruth. Ruth is a masterful example of Hebrew narrative and a favorite story of many. In this episode, John and Ron discuss the background of the book and work their way through chapter 1 and the setup to the story.
The final episode in the Book of Joshua series reviews the results of Israel’s campaigns to take the land of Canaan and God’s instructions for its distribution to the tribes. The text appears to report that Israel both did and did not subdue the whole of Canaan. Ron and John […]
In this fourth episode of their series in Joshua, Ron and John tackle the exciting but difficult episodes that describe the conquests of Jericho and Ai. Before those battles, however, important rituals set up what follows in order to keep the focus on the real message of the Book of […]
In the discussion this time, Ron and John follow the people of Israel as they cross the Jordan River into the promised land. In Joshua 3-4, God arranges their passage in a spectacular way. This episode takes a close look at how that happens and how the story is told—and […]
In the second installment of their series on Joshua, John and Ron take a close look at chapter 2. Joshua—once a spy for Moses—now dispatches his own spies to scope out Jericho. Their encounter with a woman named Rahab proves intriguing. Image “Scarlet Cord” by Jon Marlow is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
Ron and John begin a new series in the Book of Joshua by looking at how Joshua’s story fits into the biblical narrative and how Israel begins its final preparations to enter the promised land. “Be strong and courageous” is the word in chapter 1 as Israel moves toward the […]