First John, pt. 3: God is Love
In this episode, John and Ron reach the heart of the letter: God is love. But does it mean what we think? Or is the author of 1 John saying something about love we don’t expect?
In this episode, John and Ron reach the heart of the letter: God is love. But does it mean what we think? Or is the author of 1 John saying something about love we don’t expect?
In this second episode of the series on First John, Ron and John delve into the division that lay behind the letter’s sharp admonitions to its readers.
Ron and John introduce a new series on the letter of First John. The letter opens with an emphatic statement about the concrete reality of the gospel, and it moves quickly to the difficult topic of love in the context of bitter division.
In this second of two interim summer episodes, Ron and John take a look at Mark 2, where Jesus heals a man who was paralyzed. What Jesus says and does when friends lower the man through the roof in order to reach him is unexpected, intriguing, and even scandalous. Image: […]
In this interim episode at the end of summer, 2021, John and Ron ask: why is it so important that Jesus turns water into wine early in the Gospel of John?
This episode concludes our series through the Book of Philippians with chapter 4. Paul exhorts the Philippians to rejoice as he does, experiencing God’ peace in all circumstances.
Our series in Philippians continues in chapter 3, where we learn that next to knowing Christ, everything else is valueless in comparison. Ron and John explore this crucial point that Paul makes and how he makes it, along with a further look at how he appeals to the Roman Philippians […]
Ron and John continue in Philippians with chapter 2, including a discussion of how this chapter instructs Christians in both beliefs and behavior. The person and example of Jesus Christ are at the very center of what the apostle Paul has to say to both the Philippian church and to […]
In this first of four episodes surveying the Book of Philippians, Ron and John explore the unique background of Philippi as it relates to understanding Paul’s letter and dive into the first chapter.