Audio Tours, pt. 4: Ephesus
Ron and John continue their “audio tours” of archaeological sites with significant biblical connections. In this episode, they visit one of Ron’s all-time favorite sites: Ephesus.
Ron and John continue their “audio tours” of archaeological sites with significant biblical connections. In this episode, they visit one of Ron’s all-time favorite sites: Ephesus.
John and Ron conclude their series on Old Testament quotes and allusions in the New. This time they look at the Gospel of John, the letters of John, and Revelation.
John and Ron conclude their series on throne room scenes throughout scripture. In this episode, they address the baffling book of Revelation, chapters 4-5. The author of Revelation sees himself in direct line with the prophets of the Old Testament, and the throne room scene of Revelation bears remarkable similarities to experiences […]
John and Ron conclude their Introduction to Christian Theology series by asking, What can we reasonably say about God’s final purposes for creation given what we read in scripture? Wild theories abound. What real biblical expectations do we have, and what do they mean for us today as we live toward what […]
In this final episode of the Day of the Lord series, John and Ron examine the letters of Paul and the New Testament books associated with the apostle John. They conclude (as they must, of course!) with the baffling book of Revelation. This episode released on Christmas Eve, 2021. What does […]
Ron and John conclude their survey of the Bible with a review of the final books of the New Testament and a brief look at the process by which the Christian Bible was recognized as scripture by Christians.