Old in the New, pt. 3: New Covenant Ron and John
Prolegomena Ron and John
Where do we start a discussion of basic Christian theology? How about with the question of how we know what we know? As Christians, we make certain claims about what is true. It seems worthwhile, then, to take time up front to examine the basis for those claims. Where does the testimony to which we give so much weight come from? What can we say at the beginning of this discussion about the primary source that informs our faith: the Bible? These are some of the questions that Ron and John take up as they work their way into the larger introduction to basic Christian theology that follows in this series.
Tagged as: Systematic theology, Bible.
Ron Bentley, Ph.D., and John Harman, Ph.D., are your hosts here on Orthodocs.faith. We are glad you're listening!
Ron and John November 26, 2022
Ron and John November 11, 2022
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