Faith and Reason, Pt. 4: Pascal
What does it mean to “bet on God”?! That’s the question as John and Ron read through portions of the classic argument called “Pascal’s Wager.” They introduce Pascal himself, and […]
The Exodus Story, pt. 3: More Plagues Ron and John
Bible Survey, Part 1: From the Beginning (Encore) Ron and John
As we enter the summer of 2024, John and Ron are wrapping up a series on Faith and Reason. They will finish that series in the next release.
Through the summer they plan to release a series of episodes called The Old Testament in the New. They will examine places where the New Testament quotes or alludes to the Old.
When they do that, it will help to have the big picture of how the Bible is put together. The Bible is a complex set of documents assembled over a vast period of time. When the New Testament relies on the Old, it makes more sense when you know how those pieces fit together.
To help with that, John and Ron are re-releasing a series they produced in Season 2. It is a survey of the whole Bible in just five episodes! Over the summer, they will intersperse these episodes from the Bible survey with newer episodes on the Old Testament in the New.
This episode begins the re-release, and it is the first in that Bible Survey series. Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy the new series along with the encore.
Tagged as: Bible Study, Genesis, Survey, Canon.
Ron Bentley, Ph.D., and John Harman, Ph.D., are your hosts here on Orthodocs.faith. We are glad you're listening!
Ron and John May 10, 2024
What does it mean to “bet on God”?! That’s the question as John and Ron read through portions of the classic argument called “Pascal’s Wager.” They introduce Pascal himself, and […]
Copyright © 2025, Ron Bentley and John Harman