The Exodus Story, pt. 3: More Plagues Ron and John
Samuel: Born to Make a Difference Ron and John
Samuel’s story in the Old Testament begins with a birth narrative that highlights his importance in God’s redemptive work. In fact, he is a key figure in Israel’s transition to the monarchy that begins with Saul and David. His early story bears similarities to other stories from Israel’s history. It is a model that even gets repeated in the gospels. In this episode, Ron and John open a four-part series on Samuel that looks at his critical role in how God moves Israel toward kingship and ultimately in the direction of Messiah.
Tagged as: Eli, Benedictus, Magnificat, Elizabeth, Mary, Nazirite, Priest, Shiloh, Tabernacle, Hannah, Elkanah, Moses, Zechariah, Judges, Joshua, Samuel, Numbers, John the Baptist, David.
Ron Bentley, Ph.D., and John Harman, Ph.D., are your hosts here on We are glad you're listening!
Ron and John September 1, 2023
Ron and John August 18, 2023
Copyright © 2025, Ron Bentley and John Harman