Samuel the Kingmaker
The nation of Israel demanded a king, and it fell to Israel’s prophet-judge and acting priest Samuel to fulfill their demand. In this episode John and Ron address the quandary Samuel […]
Hope That Does Not Fail Ron and John
The Strange Ending to Samuel’s Story Ron and John
John and Ron conclude their series on the pivotal character of Samuel. In this episode, Saul falls and David rises, but Samuel’s story ends with a strange scene: a medium conjures his spirit for Saul at Endor.
Tagged as: David, King, Samuel, Saul, Gilgal, Prophet, Philistines, Kingship, Medium, Necromancy, Endor.
Ron Bentley, Ph.D., and John Harman, Ph.D., are your hosts here on We are glad you're listening!
Ron and John August 18, 2023
The nation of Israel demanded a king, and it fell to Israel’s prophet-judge and acting priest Samuel to fulfill their demand. In this episode John and Ron address the quandary Samuel […]
Ron and John August 4, 2023
Ron and John July 21, 2023
Copyright © 2024, Ron Bentley and John Harman